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What Insurance Group is My Car?

Determining the insurance group of your car is a crucial step in understanding the potential cost of your insurance premium. In this article, we will explore what insurance groups are, how they are classified, and the factors influencing your car's placement within them.

Understanding Insurance Groups

Definition of Insurance Groups

Insurance groups are classifications that insurance companies use to assess the risk associated with insuring a particular car model. These groups help insurers set premiums based on the potential cost of repairs, the car's performance, and its safety features.

How Are Cars Grouped?

1. Thatcham Research

Thatcham Research, a motor insurance repair research center, is often responsible for assigning cars to insurance groups. They consider factors such as the cost of spare parts, repair times, and safety features.

2.Group Rating System

The Group Rating System, developed by Thatcham, ranges from 1 to 50, with lower numbers indicating lower insurance costs. Cars with similar characteristics and risk profiles are grouped.

Factors Influencing Insurance Group Placement

1.Repair Costs

Cars with expensive or hard-to-source spare parts and high repair costs are likely to fall into higher insurance groups.


High-performance cars may be placed in higher insurance groups due to their increased risk of accidents and higher repair costs.

3.Safety Features

Cars equipped with advanced safety features, such as emergency braking or autonomous lane departure warnings, may be placed in lower insurance groups.

Finding Your Car's Insurance Group

Researching Insurance Group Ratings

Visit the Thatcham Research website or contact your insurance provider to find out the insurance group rating for your specific car make and model.

Impact on Insurance Premiums

Understanding your car's insurance group can give you insights into the potential cost of insurance. Lower group ratings often translate to lower premiums, while higher ratings may result in higher costs.

Can You Change Your Car's Insurance Group?

While you can't directly change your car's insurance group, you can influence your premium by choosing additional safety features, enhancing security measures, or opting for a model with a lower group rating when purchasing a new vehicle.


In conclusion, knowing what insurance group your car falls into is essential for understanding the potential cost of your insurance premium. Factors such as repair costs, performance, and safety features play a significant role in determining a car's group rating. Researching your car's insurance group can empower you to make informed decisions and potentially save on insurance costs.


Q: Can I negotiate my insurance premium if my car falls into a higher insurance group?

A: While negotiating specific group ratings may not be possible, you can explore discounts and additional safety features that may help lower your overall premium.

Q: Do modifications affect a car's insurance group?

A: Yes, modifications can impact your car's insurance group. Inform your insurer about any modifications, as they may affect your premium.

Q: Are electric cars assigned to specific insurance groups?

A: Electric cars are generally assessed in the same way as traditional cars, considering factors like repair costs and safety features. However, advancements in technology may influence their group placement.

Q: How often are insurance group ratings updated?

A: Insurance group ratings are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in repair costs, technology, and safety features.

Q: Can I switch my car to a lower insurance group by adding safety features?

A: Adding safety features may positively influence your premium, but it may not directly change your car's insurance group. Consult with your insurer to understand the potential impact on your premium.

